Different Teas That Are a Must- Cheers to Your Health!

Hello Readers! Hope all of you are doing well. Since it is the start of the week and we need something or the other throughout the day to minimize our stress levels, I decided to write about different teas! πŸ™‚ Tea has such a versatile nature, that’s what I love about it! It helps you keep warm in the winters and cools you down over the summer months. They are also very well known for their health benefits. Here are some teas you should be having: Oolong Oolong tea helps in breaking down triglycerides, which is a type of fat … Continue reading Different Teas That Are a Must- Cheers to Your Health!

Foods That Help Boost Brain Power

Hello Readers! Hope your week was productive! πŸ™‚ Today, we will be discussing about foods that can help to bolster your brain power. With the Fall semester approaching and work getting busier by the day, these few foods can act as catalysts to achieve your goals: Chocolate Some of you might say this is extremely unhealthy. On the contrary, cocoa beans found in dark chocolate help in clearing your mind, improving your mood and also help in easing pain. Any dark chocolate with at least 75% cocoa is your best bet! Popcorn This is one of the healthiest and cheapest … Continue reading Foods That Help Boost Brain Power

Clean Eats to Bolster your Immunity

Hello Readers! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Since the cold and flu season is nearing, I thought all of us could use some aids that will help in improving immunity! πŸ™‚ There are many foods that help in boosting immunity, but I will be sharing five important ones with all of you today: Chicken Soup Hot chicken soup is one of the best cures for a cold. This soup helps in making noses run, which is a good thing because your body is getting rid of all viruses and bacteria. It helps you stay hydrated and loosens all … Continue reading Clean Eats to Bolster your Immunity

Hard to Stay Motivated? Here are a few tips…

Hello Readers! Hope you all had a wonderful week. Its finally Friday! Its also time to soak in the last few days of heat before Fall kicks in. It is so easy to workout over the summer. Its hot outside and you want to fit into some beautiful outfits πŸ˜‰ But as soon as Fall kicks in, the motivation kind of dies down. Its cold and you just want to curl up in your blanket with a glass of hot chocolate. So here are a few tips that will help you stay motivated through the Fall and winter: Take a … Continue reading Hard to Stay Motivated? Here are a few tips…

No Olive Oil? What Then?

Hello Readers! Hope you are all doing well and your weekend was relaxing! Today, we are going to be discussing about olive oil. I always use olive oil in everything I cook. But today I learnt it is not wise to use it in everything. Isn’t that appalling? Who knew even the healthiest of things have a limit? When to Use Olive Oil Olive oil is good to use in salad dressings or if you are sautΓ©ing vegetables over medium heat. Since it has a very unique flavor, you can use it in dishes where you would like to taste … Continue reading No Olive Oil? What Then?

Tips For Healthier Drinking Coffee

Hello Readers! Hope your week was busy in a good way, of course! πŸ™‚ Today, we are going to be discussing tips to drink coffee in a healthier manner. Choose Organic. Drinking organic coffee can go a long way. Conventional coffee is said to be sprayed heavily with pesticides. Staying away from flavored coffees will also help since they usually contain artificial flavorings. Get the Sugar Out. This is the most crucial thing to remember when making your coffee. Some people may confuse their affinity towards sugar versus coffee. True coffee drinkers add very little sugar or none at all. … Continue reading Tips For Healthier Drinking Coffee

Foods Best For Managing Stress

Hello Readers! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Since some of you are transitioning from the summer season into fall pretty soon, I thought all of us could make use of foods that will help manage our stress levels! A lot of people say that stress leads them to eat a ton more than normal. A proper diet may not necessarily help you feel calmer but it can definitely help with the damage stress could do to your body. It is extremely important to maintain mental, physical, and emotional balance in your body. These following foods will help you in … Continue reading Foods Best For Managing Stress

Clean Snacks for Your Late-Night Cravings

Hello Readers! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are energized for the week. Today, we will be discussing about late-night snacks. Eating after 8pm has a bad reputation. A lot of dietitians say you tend to gain weight if you eat a full fledged dinner after 8. While that may be true, it is always good to have a little something roughly two hours before you go to bed. For those late night workers, you probably get hungry at night because your mind is constantly working. Here are a few late night snacks that will do you no … Continue reading Clean Snacks for Your Late-Night Cravings